Mcallister Gardens Pond
When we're ahead of schedule and you catch that ONE guy creating a safety meeting topic..:)
McCallister Gardens is the perfect place for weddings and Unwinding, with it's English Garden charm, this was definitely a top preferred job to hang out on!
Can you believe this used to be overrun with Cattails?? Personally, I love cattails, but they are a HIGHLY invasive aquatic plant. We ripped up the existing "pit of despair" that was there, started from scratch (with the help of Eric McBrayer- Shout out!). Collaborating with Christopher Shriner from GreenSource Landscaping (another shout out!), we took what was, turned it into everything that could be and was meant to. This is our most popular pond size (11x16) with 3 falls to give just the right amount of bubble and grubble to be relaxing without overly-noisy. Top waterfalls flanked by ferns, dotted with "whirlybird" wildflowers, salvia, blue fescue, and creeping Jenny, this is the POPPIN place to book a wedding! Stunning aquatic plants include Pink, peach and white water lilies, blue flag iris, countless canas, and grasses! Truly one of the more fun ponds we got to design and plan! Tara and her husband were a true delight to work with! Check them out for your outdoor venue needs!
This is our biggest project by FAR! 80 foot stream, beginning at a waterfall, cascading down multiple pools and falls, and finally dropping majestically into a 20x50x3 naturally rocked koi pond with a sizeable intake bay. And that's just the start of this bad Mamma Jamma. When you're on a project more than a few weeks, you get to know the client as a person. Quinn and Theresa are nothing short of amazing individuals that we had so many life experiences with along the way. See why our time with this one was so special in our other video below!
Quinn Pt. 2...
Part Two of Quinn's and Theresa's build included LOTS of detailing: small rock interlocking larger rocks for a much tighter and natural look. Plants (we supply all plants to get you started on a wonderful waterscape experience) interspersed to give some softness to the rock. This particular pond came with all the bells and whistles: hardscaped flagstone patio (with a fire pit), enough trees to save the planet several times over, stunning butterfly bushes, grasses, uniquely planted front yard with a plethora of dwarf rose bushes, grasses, day lillies, pops of Plumbago, dark tower, salvia and expertly picked, instead of the ho-hum cookie-cutter scene. Customized to our clients personalities and preferences. When you get to know your client on a personal level, you can't help but be human. Despite our tragedy of losing our niece, Lily, whom we dedicated this footage to in her memory, we managed to all pull together to complete the majority of this project. While it's still in completion phase, we will upload the progression as we go! Love you Lily Bug! xoxo